Can It Get Better? | Teen Ink

Can It Get Better?

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

I have a lot of memories in my life, some of them are good, some others not that much but I know very few are sad. My favorite memories come from all the trips I have had. But this one I will write about is my favorite one. I don’t talk about this one very often for different reasons. But the idea of writing about it makes feel good about it.

It all started one typical day in my city, I woke up on time for school, got ready and was about to get the school bus when I saw and envelope on my desk but did not have time to check what it was, I only was sure that was not there the night before.

Everything was going on normally in school but I could not get the envelope out of my mind, I remember the teachers telling me to “land”, expression we use here to ask someone to pay attention and to concentrate. I even left the classroom to call my mom to ask about that envelope on my desk, and guess what: Got no answer, so I decided to call the maid and guess what!!! No answer.

It was a very long day for me, but once I got home I didn’t even say hi to anybody, I run as a cheetah to my room and the envelope was not there, but something strange was going on in my house, In the dining room I could see people, which was not very common at that time of the day.  I could see my mom and my step-father there. At this point the envelope could mean anything so I went to the table.  After some minutes looking at their faces I could see it was not anything bad. And in fact It was something really beautiful.


They started to ask me about my wishes during the last three birthdays and I answered with the wishes I had asked for the last three years, they were: I wanted to travel to Europe in the summer, take a cruise on the Mediterranean and visit some places in Africa, Those were the three wishes of the last three years. After that they laughed and gave me the envelope.  I couldn’t believe what I was reading……. I was a tour with the three places I wanted to visit and with all the activities I wanted to do. We were leaving in a week, right after the last day of school. 

Finally, that day came. We flew to Madrid, spent 3 days there and went to Barcelona, those two places were amazing, very different but amazing.  We visited stadiums, museums and obviously went shopping.  After Barcelona we went to Belgium and Switzerland.  Wonderful places with unforgettable landscapes, delicious food and charming people. I felt like I was in a dream. Nothing could be better, I was wrong; we took the cruise and that was something I can describe in words, everything was perfect. Again, nice people from different countries, a lot of cultures in one place. I get so excited when I remember this that I can explain.  At that point I thought nothing could be better; I was wrong again.

Something amazing was about to come…….. AFRICA.  We went to Morroco, an amazing place full of magic and culture. There we rode camel, we visited the dessert and a lot of landmarks like we did in the other places we visited. I took around 2000 pictures I once in a while look at and stay there for hours remembering.  It was an unforgettable trip and event in my life. One of the reasons I don’t talk a lot about it it’s because it takes to long to tell story and show the pictures so now it is something for me and will be something for my future family.

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