Tournament | Teen Ink


May 10, 2010
By StopTouchingMeSir BRONZE, Menifee, California
StopTouchingMeSir BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;U fatty your addicted to food&quot;<br /> -Issa

Wednesday at ********* High 2008, my friend Patrick, a.k.a. “Geo” was going to fight another kid named Gage. Not a comment to soon Gage reminded Geo, “Hey, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’m not a P#$$%, I’m not going to show up to school Thursday.”
Gage joked, “Well, why don’t we throw it down right now?”

Geo was about to swing at Gage when everyone stopped him, as everybody watched Gage walk away.

Finally Sunday arrived for the tournament. I had to call loads of people to make sure they’re coming. It took me over a boring hour. After that I had to walk to Indian Road (that’s were ******** High was). It was about a mile and a half away from where I was at. An hour later, I finally got there. Gage also showed up with his boxing gloves. Not a comment to soon, we began boxing (I was the second person to lose).

After an intense hour, the finals began, the moment we’ve been waiting for--Gage and Geo. Gage messed Geo up. All of a sudden, Geo broke out bleeding from his eye, and it was nasty. Then they shook hands, and Gage won, so we put him as the leader of our crew P.O.E. After that everyone was in a mood to fight so we kept “versing” each other until 9 P.M.
At last we decided to go home. Unfortunately, my friend Louis wouldn’t give me a ride, like he said he would. My friend, John and I had to walk all the way back home. Not a moment to soon, the most random thing happened. Unbelievably, a guy got out of his house with a shotgun and shot at us. We were scared to death, literally, we ran and ran until we got into Josh’s apartment parking lot. Finally, we rested and got some water. Fortunately, John’s apartment is close to my house, so after an hour, when I rested I started to walk back home. As I walked and felt refreshed, but confused.
The next day, during 3rd period, I was called over to the school officer’s office. Mr. White asked some questions like, “Where were you on Sunday?”
I swallowed hard and said, “With some friends.”
Then he asked me to take out my phone. He checked everything. He saw my videos and informed me, that being at another school property without being invited and start to record fights is illegal, and the next time I see something like this on my phone again and he’d report me. This experience taught me not to sneak into schools.

The author's comments:
i love you
sir / ma`am

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This article has 1 comment.

kkaminski said...
on Jun. 1 2010 at 11:17 am
Hey, well done!