The pain | Teen Ink

The pain

May 19, 2010
By faux1359 GOLD, Salem, Oregon
faux1359 GOLD, Salem, Oregon
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You cant change the past cause its gone, and you just gotta move on&quot;- Carrie Underwood<br /> <br /> &quot;I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul&quot;- Invictus poem

The pain is like a hole, a deep bottomless pit, a never ending cave that sucks you down deep into its depth, never to see daylight again. I am trapped, swallowed up by the deep damp earth, in a crevasse surrounded by thorns and stinging netal and other various plants. I will never get out, and if I did, would I recognize daylight for daylight? The world seems like a nice place, friendly sweet place, almost too sweet and too nice where no one gets hurt. But that’s not the real world, is it?

The pain, this pain feeds on fear and anger and doubt, it is the center of my focus, of my world. I can not escape. If you have ever gotten yourself stuck so badly that each time you tried to get out, you would only get even more stuck, then you would understand, if not well, then you are lucky. I don’t know how people can be so mean but I do know about two out of every ten people are nice, don’t give up hope. Without hope you are nothing, trust me I once knew someone who committed suicide because they let into the pain. Still though, be careful, you can lose yourself both mentally and physically.

If there is an escape for this pain, I don’t know it, but I am not giving up hope, I have seen what happens before. I wish I could escape, but can’t help stopping myself from thinking I am alone and only I can help myself, no outside help will come. Only you can change your future, no one can decide it for you. If you don’t make up your life, then someone else will and you will be a captive trapped in their icy clutches. Do not let that happen, you will be a slave forever tied down by your burden. There is no one to help you; no guide that can help you out of a cave, no lover to hold or comfort you, no one, it is all up to you. Not very comforting or helpful is it? Neither is the world.

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on May. 30 2010 at 3:11 pm
WriterWithWings DIAMOND, Seneca, South Carolina
61 articles 1 photo 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you&#039;re alive, it isn&#039;t.&rdquo;<br /> &quot;Love is a drug. a drug that distorts reality, and thats the point of it. No body would fall in love with someone who they really saw.&quot;<br /> &quot;Words and hea

Beautiful! I feel the same way and this was very (oddly) uplifting. Thank you! Im not going to be like others and ask if you would read my work because, honestly, I dont think it would make you feel any different. We write in the same voice and the same perspective. I do ask, though, if you would care to talk about your outlook on life. [email protected] ---email any time