I'm Sorry, I Love You... | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry, I Love You...

June 21, 2010
By Anonymous

To him, I'm nothing anymore. Before, when he loved me, I was his everything. He always talked to me, and was just amazed by me. In the beginning I didn't want him much but that longing grew so fast and so much. Then you had me. I had you too... I was so happy. When you told me you loved me I believed you. When you told me I was amazing I believed you. Whatever you told me, whenever you said it. I believed you. I trusted you. I loved you. But you lied. If you loved me so much, so fast, why did it end this way? How did you love me so much then just go for my best friend? I knew it would end when your best friend cared about me more than you. All I have left is memories and pain. But thanks for the good time. I hope you enjoyed. Be happy. Just go for her. I'll just break a little. Don't worry, you won't know, I won't say anything. Just be happy. I miss you. I love you. I'm sorry for everything I feel for you that you don't. I'm sorry I was stupid enough to believe you. I'm sorry for everything I didn't do. I'm sorry that you say things about me that aren't true. I'm sorry if I can't stop thinking about you and that I can't help but cry. I'm trying to get over you, just give me time. I'm sorry. But I still love you

The author's comments:
I made this cause I really needed to get it out. I realize it really ISNT good. I'm not a writer at all! But I just really needed to say it. The breakup broke my heart and I just can't hold it in anymore. My feelings are alot stronger than they seem...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 25 2010 at 2:21 pm
MilesToTravel BRONZE, Homedale, Idaho
4 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
May the odds be EVER in your favor- Effie Trinket

Wow that's tough he broke your heart but you can't force yourself to stop liking him trust me I've tried. It'll take time but in this life, time is all we have.