Power of the Mind | Teen Ink

Power of the Mind

July 19, 2010
By Franklin76 BRONZE, Wells, Maine
Franklin76 BRONZE, Wells, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The mind is the greatest weapon of all."-Brett Davisson

The mind is capable of anything it wants, desires, or wishes. Place and time is only one dimenision, of two that I believe in. The one that involves people, places, things, in other words, real life, is the first. The second is the one which lies within your thoughts and will power, it is completley created by your mind.
The power of the mind is still something that no person in the world has completley grasped, not even the greatest of scientists. It is still something we are investigating, similarly to the ocean. It is there, right at our finger tips, yet, we have no idea the real depth and information that it contains. The mind is everything that you see, hear, think, imagine, dream, feel, love, or want. If you sweat, it is because your brain is telling your body to sweat.
Why cant we control our mind? One of the few things that humans have not conquered is the ability to control its own mind. We cannot choose to be hot or cold, to shiver or to sweat, to feel pain or feel nothing at all. It is something completely on its own, however, despite speculation, I believe we have an intense control that we have not mastered yet.
Who says that we have to be in the present? We can be anywhere in our minds. If you want to be on a glacier in the South Pole, you can be there, just imagine. You can become, not oblivious, but rather in your mind. It goes where you want. If you are in a boring class session, I wont baby you, but honestly, you can be wherever you want, and in a sense, leave the first dimension.

Your mind is the strongest thing in this world. You are what you chose to be. If you want to be a doctor, a scientist, an engineer, then you can through concentration. We can take ourselves out of our current situation, no matter how strange, sad, or dishearting they may be, and transform our mind power into real power.

The author's comments:
I love to write, and the mind is the most powerful weapon on earth.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 21 2010 at 1:18 am
Great! I love this! It's a very interesting idea. You could always expand it.