Silence | Teen Ink


September 12, 2010
By ray.of.light BRONZE, Oakton, Virginia
ray.of.light BRONZE, Oakton, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mother bore the news. My sister, Tara, was quiet. Maman read off the results of the blood tests, then the notes from the liver biopsy. Tara sank into a silent seat. Maman folded hospital papers, describing a disease with too many fancy titles to signify what it truly meant. Tara opened her sketchbook and ignored us.
I was silent.
I watched the wrist curl and the muscles convulse in her right hand. I stared hard when she had to drop the leaking pen, fighting her aching joints. I let her massage her skeletal hand in fear. I dropped the familiar cocktail of medications into a napkin and handed it over too fast. Multicolored capsules cascaded into her lap. I scrambled to pick them up, jumping halfway out of my crawling skin when Tara stroked my arm to settle me. She looked at me softly - as though I was the one who hurt.
My darling, I wish I had spoken. I wish I had said everything I was burning to say.
I would have liked to be less of the person that I was, and more of the person that you needed me to be. I wish I had told you: the sickness didn’t matter. I want to have said, then, how much I love you. I wish you could know now how much I still need you. I wish you understood everything you are to me.
I want to change that moment. Because I want you to know: I would never change you.

The author's comments:
This essay is dedicated to my amazing, strong sister, Tara, who lives with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). It was written in response to a question about regrets.

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This article has 1 comment.

GaelicC said...
on Sep. 14 2010 at 2:55 pm
GaelicC, Longford, Other
0 articles 0 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
No -Rosa Parks

That was a very upsetting piece; your emotions just leapt off the page. :( You obviously really love your sister.

Just a little curious about SLE. What is it exactly?

Would you mind taking a look at my story, Exaggeration? I'd appreciate any advise! Keep writing and I'll keep reading!:)