I Want To Be That Girl | Teen Ink

I Want To Be That Girl

October 27, 2010
By bieberfever29 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
bieberfever29 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never say never

I want to be the girl everyone likes. The girl that whenever she walks into a room and no one stops staring. The girl that everyone wants to be friends with. The girl who is beautiful. The girl everyone wants to talk to. The girl who has millions of friends. The girl that doesn't lie. The girl who everyone listens to when she talks. The girl who knows what to say.The girl who no one hates. The girl who everyone is jealous of.

But I am not that girl. I am the girl who no one likes. I am the girl that when i walk into a room no one cares. I am the girl that not everyone wants to be friends with. I am the girl who isn't beautiful. I am the girl no one likes talking to. I am the girl who has people that she calls her friends but doesnt know if they really are.I am the girl that lies here and there. I am the girl that people hate. I am the girl who doesn't really know what to say. I am the girl who is shy not outgoing; I am the girl no one listens to when i talk. I am the girl who is jealous. I am the girl who people call Elf because of her ears, Frizzy because of her hair. Chubby because of her size. I am the girl who a two sisters she doesn't really get along with. I am the girl who isn't as close to her parents as much as she wishes to be. I am the girl, why do people treat me different from all of the other girls. I am the girl, the girl with a long but hard life to live.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 13 2010 at 6:01 pm
Stevi Brougham, Council Bluffs, Iowa
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I really like this. It is a good way to show emotions. & people can relate to itt.