My Road of Life | Teen Ink

My Road of Life

December 3, 2010
By TDunn BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
TDunn BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe my road would be a combination of many types. It would have a few rocks in the road and possibly a mistaken turn or two. And there will always be hills; in life no one is perfect. I have also experienced life’s ups and downs for a period of time. I believe problems will be faced no matter what you do but keep pushing through and your eyes forward until you reach the end. This road I have travel is still in progress but I have learned from my wrong turns and now slowly moving toward the straight and less stressful route.

The author's comments:
There was a time period in my life that I was not the same person that I am now. I was not taking the straight and narrow road. I am slowly but surely make my way down the straight route and learning from my mistakes.(:

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on Dec. 8 2010 at 9:36 pm
TheAsianHeather SILVER, Wuhan, Other
6 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is no longer I that live,but Christ living in me.-The Apostle Paul

Wow,you feel the same way I do!