Blue Mountain | Teen Ink

Blue Mountain

November 15, 2010
By Deanna1369 BRONZE, Hatboro, Pennsylvania
Deanna1369 BRONZE, Hatboro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ain&#039;t running with it, you better run from it.<br /> <br /> I got ice in my veins<br /> Blood in my eyes<br /> hate in my heart<br /> love in my mind

Blue Mountain
By: Deanna Moyer XD

There was a chill in the air when I stepped out of my cousin’s car. I could even smell the crisp air. My cousin Kevin even made a comment about how the parking lot was even icy. We were about to snowboard at Blue Mountain. I wanted to try a ramp so bad, but I was so scared. By the time we got to the lodge I was still contemplating whether I should try it or not. I just decided to forget it for now. We all wanted to start right away so we got are stuff on and rushed to the mountain. On the ski lift I started thinking about if I should try the ramp again. When we got to the terrain park I wasn’t as determined until I saw my cousin go off one. I wanted to prove I could land it, and that I wasn’t scared
Kevin also started taunting me he shouted, “Are you scared or something” with a chuckle.
I was so scared so I bailed out and said “I’ll try it later”.
In reality I was so terrified, I didn’t want to do it at all. As the day went on my cousin was still pestering me about going of the ramp.
He said things like “Come one you have to try it,“ he also said “ Are you scared or something it’s not even scary.”
I was thinking to myself yea because you are like a pro at skiing. Well any way it was about 30 minutes before Blue Mountain closes.
So I snapped “It is time”!
My brother sang “Dun dun dun ”.
Just how the scary movie sounded right before a zombie or killer jumps out and murders someone. When we were going up the ski lift my palms started sweating. I was so nervous I was going to wipe out and do a face plant, that would be embarrassing and not very pleasant. As I got of the ski lift, I thought to myself, man I’m going to mess this up bad. I could smell the tangy scent of the pine trees. My nostrils were filled with the sweet aroma of winter. I finally got to the top of the hill. On my way to the terrain park I saw the ramp and it didn’t look as intimidating as it did before. I got to the top of the hill and there it was the ramp. I started going down the hill, as I got closer to the ramp I could hear the fresh snow crunching below my board. I got to the ramp. As I went off it I was in the air about ten feet it was thrilling. Then I started dropping down to the ground. I landed and I nailed it.
I was really proud of myself. I have never done anything like going off a ramp. Even though it was really fun it was also nerve-wracking . This moment shows that I am good at snowboarding.

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