obesity | Teen Ink


January 26, 2011
By Anonymous

Obesity is a big problem in the United States. There are many large people in the United States that are overweight and can't help it. They have diseases in either there body or thoughts but in this article the people that are obese by choice are the target. There are too many people that are big by choice or ease. This is the problem not the people with bigger body structure and genetics. Ways that cause these problems are small but make a big difference and the fix is simple and not very hard.
A big cause for big people is laziness. Laziness is a big cause of obesity because in order to be normal you have to burn some of the calories that you eat and that does not happen when you are lazy. A study conducted by the San Diego School of Medicine indicated that lack of physical activity was among the most significant causes of obesity. It is also lazy to take the easy way and buy unhealthy meals that are cheap. That is why staying active is important.
Bad eating habits are a major problem. Unhealthy eating is the leading cause of obesity. Research shows that a large percentage of the population are not even eating one fruit or vegetable a day and that many families no longer sit down to dinner together and kids are grabbing something to eat from a box or a fast food restaurant and their diets consist of sugary and fatty foods that are low in fiber and nutritional value.
Finally the biggest problem is that obesity spreads down through the generations. Adults don't apply good eating and exercising habits to their kids. In the previous paragraph it is shown that many families no longer sit down to dinner together and kids are grabbing something to eat from a box or a fast food restaurant. This is a sad thought and if parents don't have the will to follow good habits then they should at
least teach them.
Obesity has become a terrible problem in the United States and needs to be fixed. There are too many people who don't care and are just lazy and don't interact enough with their families. This is why obesity is such a big problem.

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This article has 1 comment.

Jacob213 said...
on Feb. 8 2011 at 5:58 pm
Jacob213, Aurora, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I think that this article is very great and has a lot of meaniing. This person is caring considering the other side of obesity. This article rocks