The Skirt | Teen Ink

The Skirt MAG

March 8, 2008
By EmilytheAuthor DIAMOND, St. Francisville, Louisiana
EmilytheAuthor DIAMOND, St. Francisville, Louisiana
55 articles 20 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind. -dr. seuss

I will be the first to say that I am not materialistic. My friends label me as a goody-goody; my parents say I am conservative and modest when it comes to clothes. I don’t wear bikinis, and none of my skirts or shorts end above my knees. That is my choice.

So why, why did I feel so tempted? My family and I were in Target, and there it was, waiting. A skirt, specifically designed not to cover anything. It was tan and looked like something one of those anime schoolgirls would wear.

I checked my purse. The skirt cost $10. I had the money. I could buy it. I imagined walking into school and my pals’ jaws dropping. Guys would ask me out, and I would be happy. I could buy it – no, I should buy it.

I showed my mother. She was surprised but said it was my decision. My sister looked on enviously.

I went into the dressing room to try it on. So sure was I that this skirt would change me, somehow make me not what I am but what I wished to be. I slid my jeans off and put it on. Now for the decisive moment. I looked in the mirror. There I was – a geeky girl in a Superman T-shirt and sneakers. My glasses fogged up as I started to cry.

The skirt did not change me. Though it fit well and might make me look good in the eyes of ­today’s world, it was not me. I am not a girl who flirts or wears cool clothes to fit in.

I took the thing off and slid back into the ­comfort of modesty. My mom knocked on the door. “Emily, are you okay?”

I wiped away my tears. “I’m fine.” I looked in the ­mirror again and saw a blond skinny girl with dorky ­glasses and a ponytail. I saw myself.

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This article has 341 comments.

sdfgsdfgsdfg said...
on Oct. 27 2010 at 2:28 pm
Im not gonna lie i cried

on Oct. 27 2010 at 2:02 pm
cierrasmyth SILVER, Bracebridge, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
never regret something that once made you smile

i really like this story. well written and the actually story is really powerful. 

awesome :)

Roisin GOLD said...
on Oct. 27 2010 at 12:00 pm
Roisin GOLD, Peabody, Massachusetts
10 articles 5 photos 28 comments
i take that back, i do believe i meant to click on "fiction", but clearly this is a true story, therefore i assume any inspiration came from reality.. please ignore my previous comment, still an excellent job though! (:

Roisin GOLD said...
on Oct. 27 2010 at 11:58 am
Roisin GOLD, Peabody, Massachusetts
10 articles 5 photos 28 comments
this is really creative, to think of something so different. i really like it. did you just think of it, or did something inspire you ? (: fabulous!:D

on Oct. 27 2010 at 11:53 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Why dont you like to dress in things above your knee-caps

J.Bee BRONZE said...
on Oct. 27 2010 at 11:35 am
J.Bee BRONZE, West Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is really good! I know the exact feeling of how people perseve you as. It's the same for me. I like the way it was written. very good!

on Oct. 21 2010 at 6:39 pm
redhairCat PLATINUM, Pebble Beach, California
47 articles 20 photos 411 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do anything!"

Really good article!


vetttooo said...
on Oct. 20 2010 at 7:35 am
umm good job on makeing the right choice but why cry i dint get that part of it i mean okur not the girl to wear that stuff and theres nothing wrong with that but why the tears

balla97 said...
on Oct. 13 2010 at 2:09 pm
Girls with those short skirts are sexy

Bibbobbeep said...
on Oct. 13 2010 at 11:00 am
I'm glad that you made a right choice. this writing was very good and i enjoyed reading about your experiences

on Oct. 13 2010 at 11:00 am
exactly wat  tiedyelaine123 said if its not you then its  not you be yourself

on Oct. 13 2010 at 9:25 am
It's good to know that you are content with being yourself.

akatheshizz said...
on Oct. 13 2010 at 9:21 am
dont be afraid to be yourself. Nothing is more imoprtant. Dont let "the skirt" phase you or let insecruties either(:

on Oct. 11 2010 at 8:33 pm
icingonthecake BRONZE, Riverside, California
3 articles 3 photos 82 comments
Yes, I couldn't agree more. There's nothing wrong with being different. Never be afraid to be yourself; there is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't be a follower-- be a leader!

on Oct. 7 2010 at 8:10 pm
choirchick2013 BRONZE, Pierceton, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for other in faith, in love, and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

kudos to you for just being yourself, even if its not cool... i know wat u mean... i was tempted to try to fit in too, then i thought "is it worth it??" i found it wasnt, and u did too... dont change urself to please anyone but urself...

Nazneen BRONZE said...
on Sep. 6 2010 at 11:58 am
Nazneen BRONZE, Rangpur, Other
1 article 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Survival for the fittest

it is really nice...... ur writing is really nice..

Thrush BRONZE said...
on Sep. 2 2010 at 2:28 pm
Thrush BRONZE, Tegaad, Other
4 articles 0 photos 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to it's fullest extent, it's the only life you've got" "Enjoy yourself, be yourself, love yourself"

This is amazing. I love it.

on Aug. 29 2010 at 1:24 pm
SamiLynn PLATINUM, Anthem, Arizona
20 articles 9 photos 137 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The unexamined life is not worth living." ~Socrates

This is a very true article! I had the same feelings for a long time, when I finally tried on a pair of "shorty shorts." I had always hated them. Now I don't, but it's only because now was the right time for me to try them. I wouldn't have DARED before! Never wear something thst you're uncomfortable with!

on Aug. 22 2010 at 4:34 pm
CaityBug SILVER, Mechanic Falls, Maine
8 articles 3 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm cracking skulls!" -Vernon (The Breakfast Club)

They're right, be yourself, no matter what anyone says, and you and everyone else will be more comfortable. All that matters is what you think of yourself. Remember that.

on Aug. 22 2010 at 2:19 pm
_i_like_socks_ SILVER, Norton, Other
8 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
If I love you, what business is it of yours?

Very well written and totally easy to relate to. Thank you for sharing this. I wish more people felt that way - stay true to yourself.