Watching the Lesbians at Disneyland | Teen Ink

Watching the Lesbians at Disneyland

April 17, 2011
By Anonymous

There they stood, right in front of me, holding hands. After a while, they held on by only a few fingers, and then just by their pinkies. One of them was holding onto the other with more gusto than the other seemed to want. Pitifully, I was reminded of myself.

I know that summer as the summer. There was never a summer like that before. Sometimes, I worry that there will never be a summer like that again.

The aloof one leans towards the other. I expect, anticipate, beg for them to kiss. Their lips did nothing but talk.

So desperate for that one kiss. A kiss, a sign that I might have a part in this world. A sign that I, too, could love and be loved.

Again, they move closer and again, they pull apart. It’s a mesmerizing dance. Expressions of love seem so close, only to be aborted. “Kiss,” I pleaded.

My prayers go unanswered. The summer was a fluke.

The dance continues. Unknowingly, they tease me. “Do it! Make my day! Kiss!” Still they only touched at the pinky.

Why have I been tempted only to be denied?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 8 2013 at 10:13 am
bluebird SILVER, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 45 comments
Thank you, stranger, for making my day. I love this article. Only suggestion: correct "I know that summer as the summer" as "I know that summer as "The Summer", because you're giving it a name. But I really like it!!