The Horrible Incident | Teen Ink

The Horrible Incident

October 31, 2011
By Anonymous

Have you ever given a person a lift on your bike using pegs? Well before I tell you my devastating story, remember to wear shoes while you ride a bike. If you don’t, you might regret it.

During the summer of 2005, a little girl Shyann, my sister, got her big toe shredded by my rusty bike chain. While I was riding, I told Shyann, “Hey, Shy, big brother will take you for a ride.” She approached barefooted. I let her on the back of my bike pegs. Meanwhile Shyann told me, “Keith! Stop. My toe is hurting.” I didn’t believe her. I kept pedaling. I didn’t notice her toe was caught in the bike chain. As I pedaled more, Shyann let out a big scream, “Ouch!” I looked down and couldn’t believe my eyes. Shyann’s toe was slaughtered to her veins. I got off my bike with Shyann still caught on the chain, I left to get my mom. “French Rd!” said my mother on the phone. After five minutes passed, with little Shyann still crying, the sirens of the ambulance wailed louder and louder. The ambulance crew arrived and got tools to loosen the bike chain. Finally, after minutes flashed by, the chain came loose. “Careful!” my mother had said to the crew. Like a dog chasing a cat they were gone to the hospital.

I have learned a harsh lesson and wish to reverse time to fix the solution. If you’re still reading this, I thank you for your patience. In the end, I said sorry and gave Shyann a kiss.

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IMme2 BRONZE said...
on Nov. 1 2011 at 11:46 am
IMme2 BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
just be yourself not some one your not.<br /> - unknown

thats super scary hope it never happens to me!