Overcoming Challenges | Teen Ink

Overcoming Challenges

December 19, 2011
By Moriah Douglas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Moriah Douglas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
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On the morning of the competition Moriah hadn’t planned on lifting anymore than 190 lbs. She ate a bowl of cereal and a granola bar, to keep strength and not overeat. Moriah and her family arrived at the gym in Tampa around 9:30. Together, Moriah and her family watched the ending of the first flight. Eventually, it was time for Moriah to warm-up. She began to warm up as usual and started out with the squat. After 3 attempts Moriah squatted 135 lbs. Next was the bench press, in which Moriah maxed out at 70 lbs. Finally, it was the last event ; deadlift. Moriah started at a weight of 135, after easily clearing that weight, she lifted 150 lbs. As her third and final attempt Moriah lifted 185 lbs. Everyone was so excited for her. After her third attempt, when Moriah went to talk to her coach he told her to request for a fourth attempt, which usually isn’t allowed but because this would be a world and personal record, they would allow for it. Moriah really didn’t think it was possible to lift 205 lbs. Her coach gave her a couple of words of encouragement before the lift.
“Moriah, this is what you’ve trained for. You got it.”
As soon as the judge said lift, the bar came off the ground as if as it was a warm up. The entire crowd was off of their feet and cheering for the great accomplishment Moriah made. Lifting twice her bodyweight and setting a world record, Moriah was ecstatic.
No one had planned on Moriah lifting more than 190 lbs.

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