Is is love always a good thing? | Teen Ink

Is is love always a good thing?

February 17, 2012
By Anonymous

People always say they just know when they first saw the person that they were meant to be. What do you do if you have the love of your life that keeps hurting you? I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 months and I truly, truly, truly love him. His past relationship wasn’t good she used him over and over and he can’t forget how that happened. Ever since he told me that when ever we get in a fight he tells me that we need time off and we need to break up. When he brings that up I just start bawling no control of it. The next day he texts me saying I am sorry and we are ok again. My friends say someone who loves you would never make you cry like that, but I love him and I can’t break up with someone I love and want to be with the rest of my life. In health class we were talking about why do girls with abusive boyfriends stay with them. I am not getting physically abused but I feel mentally abused but I feel like I just can’t leave, there is no way out falling in love. Right now I am crying once again because he told me that I don’t love him and I am the worse girlfriend ever, yet my friends again are telling me to leave him and move on. I just feel hopeless and depressed I wish I could make everything happy like a fairy tale ending. So if you would like comment and help me find out what I should do? Please I need it!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 25 2013 at 12:18 pm
My friend chelsea goes through this too, her boyfriend is  super bi-polar but if thats what you decide to keep doing like she does it's your own fault, don't cry to other people for bringing it on yourself, if you're gonna run back to him you're doing it to yourself. my advice leave you'll be happier without him in time. find someone who treats u right.