The Moment | Teen Ink

The Moment

November 21, 2012
By Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rynorth5 SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Open your eyes before your mouth"

Through the door she walks. Long, deep brown hair flowing down, off her shoulders, like water over rocks at the bottom of a waterfall. She looks over with big, chocolate eyes that match her hair. “Hi”, she says; a hint of shyness in her voice. She walks, holding herself poised, towards his spot on the couch. Next to him, the way the light shines off of her magnificent eyes and beautiful smile becomes apparent. Now the dimly lit room seems that much brighter wherever she is.
She leans back, resting right next to him; shoulders brushing. Her scent, sweet like that of all the flowers in the desert, flows into him. She shifts, to lean on his shoulder. He considers whether or not he notices a slight smirk of happiness creep across her face. There they sit, content resting inside of him. There is a change of position. She slowly conforms to the shape of the couch and gently lays her head upon his chest; listening to his heart beat. A methodical pulse, despite his nervousness and swell of emotions.
He lays, this piece of heaven resting upon his breast, as a wave of content flows over him. He glances down, to catch a glimpse of her gorgeous face; a magnificent smile resting peacefully there. A smile bright enough to shine right through to his heart. For, it is then he knows that she is purely beautiful. That she could very well save him from that darkened basement. He feels that this could most definitely be the start of something good, as a wave of serenity laps against his heart underneath the light of her smile. For, He is I, and She is his Abriana Josephine Emilia Campos.

The author's comments:
This piece is about the first time I saw her, Abriana -my girlfriend- for the first time. I don’t mean the literal first time, but rather, the first time I saw her for what she really is, and what she really means to me. The idea came from a journal for my English class; with “hotspots” as a theme. My “hotspot” was “He feels the waves lap against his heart”. Immediately, I knew this could spawn a great story and that it, of course, would be about her (Abriana). It portrays my personal account of that day, April 20, 2012, a moment I could never forget, no matter what really happens between us.

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