Voice from above | Teen Ink

Voice from above

April 17, 2013
By FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

There's a whisper in my head saying "don't worry" He's watching and He loves me, As I ask "who are you? Why are you here? something leaves me, it's my biggest fear, I know now it's Jesus Christ walking with me through out my life, and I realize i've never been alone while looking up at my father on his throne, he looks down and says "my child, believe in me I'll make it worthwhile" since the day I put all trust in God I've never again had a second thought, He's taught me, showed me how to live, opened good in my heart and helped me to give, I finally see how good He is but that's not all it never ends, He's taken depression and hate from my heart given me a second start, I don't have to show others the best I can be because my father will always stay with me, says "that's not all don't look back now tell others about me and bring them on down, I'll help them they're my children too and just like you I'll show them what to do.

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