The Text That Changed My Life | Teen Ink

The Text That Changed My Life

April 21, 2013
By Anonymous

I got a text from my ex-bestfriend the other day. I looked down at my phone in disbelief. Our friendship was ruined because I lost his trust. Cautiously, I opened the text to see the three best words I had ever seen in my life. "I forgive you." A huge smile spread across my face but I was unsure about the honesty behind the text. Three months ago he swore he was done with me and these were the first words he had said to me. I asked what had changed in those three months and he said, "I've been thinking a lot about what you did and I realized that everybody makes mistakes. Our friendship means too much to me to loose it because you messed up. You are like a sister to me and family always sticks together no matter what." I was amazed at what he had just said to me. Never in a million years did I think he would ever forgive me but I was staring at forgiveness right there. The next day at school I ran up to him and hugged him. I kept saying I was sorry for everything that i had done to him. Today we are best friends again and we have the best relationship anybody could ever ask for. Next year we are going to separate high schools but we know that no distance can break up our friendship.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 26 2013 at 12:06 am
TheHalf-BloodPrincess, Pleasant Hill, California
0 articles 0 photos 9 comments
That was kind of confusing. If he is kind of like an on and off friend, and your frienship was broken, how can your relationship be so great? It was nicely written, but in my opinion, the message is a bit unclear.