Invisible Girl | Teen Ink

Invisible Girl

January 3, 2014
By Imjas BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
Imjas BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

'Be a flower not the seed' said Miss Chua.'I know you can shine Bella.Just believe it
and...KRING!!! Okay we'll meet another time,I have to rest for a bit.My mind is blowing off because of some students.Oh no! I'm not suppose to say that in front you.''It's okay Miss Chua.My mouth will not talk bad about you.' I replied with an annoying face.I don't even want to go to this counseling session but my mum insist.This wouldn't happen if my 'friend',Glenn didn't make a volcano in body.Yes! I'm not a person who can shine in school but I can shine when there's only me in that school.'Bella! I bought you a sandwich.Your favorite isn't it?' asked Billy.He's my only friend and people called him ''softy'' and I stood up for him.We became friends ever since that incident.'Why are you not wearing the skirt that I bought for you from Milan? You better have a great reason for this one.' and I'm dead! ' sister wore it this morning.' and I thought this method can fooled him.'You don't even have a sister Bella.' he replied angrily.I slowly approached him and hug him from the back.He quickly walked further away from me.'Billy,don't be like this.You know I don't like to wear skirts or shorts but you'd buy it anyway.'Billy was about to walk away from me but he turned back.I know that soft boy can't fight with even for a second.He's the only person I could share all my problems.A good friend indeed!'KRING!!! It's Mrs Jia's class.I'm still mad about what happened the other day.She's going to me stand up on a chair or something again this time.''I'm sorry for you but it's your fault anyway.How can you not finish Mrs Jia's homework? I need to go to the bathroom first,you go ahead.Bye Billy!' I ran towards the bathroom while he was heading to the Mrs Jia's class.

While I was walking through the 'famous group' I was insulted by Miss Diva,Glenn.I rolled my eyes for the thousandth times.'Excuse me,only the visible people can walk here.Um I guess you're not one of them.' I wished I could just slapped her face right now but I'm just an invisible girl.Even my batch mates doesn't even know my name.Well,we'll just have to survive this part.'Bella! Bella! There's a competition for fashion and model you? Please,just this once.' he begged with kneeling down on both knees.'No! Not! Forever no!' 'but Bella,you'll look amazing just by wearing that Luisance Milan dress.Oh my,you're making me crying dear.' he's being dramatic again.I've been dealing this problem for years now and it's still the same.I'm not pretty nor confident enough to go on stage with fancy dress or oven myself.'Invisible girl just be invisible' Glenn said.That girl is really something.'You know I don't know about fashion or even walk like a model.That is just not me' I told him for the fifth time and walked away before he push me off again.'! Bella! You can get full scholarship if you win!' he shouted from behind.'I'm dead! He knows I'm can't afford to go to Oxford because of dad's loan.He is good! I hate him.' Billy came closer to me and I just stood there thinking about the competition.'Are you sure you're not gonna do this? You'll not be in UK if you don't have that scholarship so how about my suggestion huh,Miss Bella Kingdom?' he is getting very good with this. 'I'll call you when I'll fully think of it.' I walked away and still thinking about it.'Hey Bella!' 'I know that voice! It''s..Edward! He noticed me? How? Why? When? In the end,I just stood there and I looked like I'm from the wall.'Why did you notice this girl? She's invisible.Hey,what did you do to him until he notices you huh?' Glenn poked me on my forehead.I just walked away as usual.Sigh!

The competition begins.

'I'm scared Billy.I think I'm gonna puke or something.' I held his hand.'You look like a princess Bella.I think I'm going to cry' again with his drama.'Okay,next up is Bella Kingdom' said Miss Liss.'You know what to do right,Bella? I taught you everything.You better do it right!' 'Thanks for the support Billy' I said.I walked like a model,waved like a princess,wore a wedding dress with high heels and smiled like my mother.I'm totally nervous but I felt great.Everyone was cheering for me and it was the first time people noticed me.I'm not the freak girl nor the genius girl anymore.Billy turned me into who I am.A pretty little girl who was invisible.More and more contestants were being eliminated and there were only four contestants left.'Bella! You're the top four! Girl,you are amazing.' Billy hugged me.' I'm also shocked that I got into the top four.Me? Bella Kingdom? Top four? 'Bella,the last part is really important.You know all the questions and you are genius enough to answer all the questions.We are ready for this.Yes we are!' I thought he was drunk.I walked again to the center of the stage with a microphone in my hand.'Miss Bella,can you win this competition with your dress and your style?' asked the judges.'If I have the courage,I would probably said yes but it depends on the judges to decide.I would not stand here and be the top four of this competition if I don't have the courage.This dress should win the fashion style but the right person should wear this and the designer picked me.I think I should win this competition if the dress wins the heart of the judges and the audiences.' Everyone was cheering and shouted my name.Maybe I gave them the right answer or not.Billy was crying at the backstage.'I am so proud of you Bella Kingdom.I know you are the right person to wear my dress and be my best friend.I'm so lucky to have you as my friend.' too much drama for him.I know he's the best and my only friend and I'm lucky to have him too.We held hands while waiting for the master of ceremony to announce the winner.I would be so lucky if I win the competition.'The winner of the fashion and model style competition is.....................'

Next week.

'Hi Bella' 'You look great' 'I love your hair' 'That day was awesome' It's really weird when people around you started to notice you.I never thought that courage can really change us into something different.Either the good way or the wrong way.I really thanked Billy for changing me into who I am now.Even though it wasn't as we expected but I'm a lot better now.Billy always have his medal in his bag.It's great to have a friend like Billy.Maybe in a few years we could start a fashion boutique and get famous celebrities to wear Billy's design.Edward was my past and he looked great with Glenn.She labelled me as non-invisible girl anymore and trying to be one of my friend.Billy will kill her first then I'm next.That's funny.The winner of the fashion and model style was a great girl and let's just kept it a secret.'Bella,my mum's making apple pie for lunch to celebrate us.You better come Miss Bella Kingdom.' I laughed and walked with him to our next class.True friends do exist.I like who I am now,"A pretty girl who was invisible"

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