The Sick Child | Teen Ink

The Sick Child

January 20, 2014
By StarShineGirl BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
StarShineGirl BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you have never been hurt, live life like it is heaven on earth!

You know there are some kids who have an awesome immune system and get well quickly. And then there are some who just don't get well easily. I m the second category. In June, 2012, I got appendicitis. It took about 5 months to diagnose. After appendicitis, I got urine infection. It went on for about 1 full year. I got well in September 2013. I was very happy. I m a kind of the person who is always happy, and energetic. I never lost hope in my whole entire life. In October, 2013, I was again diagnosed with urine infection. I still did not lose hope. In January, 2014, Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Gear were released in my country. I m a gadget freak or a geek. I was so totally after my mother to buy it. My mother said, if I became well and remained well for about 2-3 months, she did buy me one. I was so happy. I was feeling well from inside. I asked my mother to stop medications for about 2 days and repeat a urine test. We did that, had a urine test, and waited for the reports. After 1 day, the report came. My hopes were high. I went with my mother to the hospital to get the reports. My smile went away after seeing the reports. It was positive. My hope had died. I came back home with my head hung with sadness. When I came back home, I went in to another room, and started crying. My mother said this is exactly the reason why my infection is not going. I m under stress. I was like, what!!!!!!!!!!! I m mean do I not have the right to take my sadness out? I said all that to my mom. She said I was right. I mean wouldn't I lose hope?

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