The Text | Teen Ink

The Text

February 5, 2015
By Anonymous

She was raped.  The words seemed to get bigger and bigger until they were all I could see.  The blood drained from my face, my legs fell from beneath me.  My heart stopped and seemed to be ripped to shreds in a single moment.  Tears came from nowhere and fell in a continuous waterfall.  I clutched my head to hold it in place as it spun out of control.  I tried to breathe, but my chest seemed incapable of moving.  I died a little as the words sunk deeper into my soul.  I started to shake, it started in my hands and spread to my chest, which jerked violently as it took in air.  I slid to the floor, numb to the outside world.  A war raged inside of me, hurt, weakness, anger, their swords ripping and slashing until there was nothing left.  The feeling of being totally and utterly useless overtook me. My whole little rose colored world has caved in on itself and I am left curled in a box I can't get out of.  

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece?  She doesn't even know I know. I had to put it somewhere.

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This article has 1 comment.

Beila BRONZE said...
on Feb. 12 2015 at 9:40 pm
Beila BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 0 photos 516 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." -Mark Twain

Wow. Short and gut-wrenching- you have a powerful voice.