The Wind | Teen Ink

The Wind

January 25, 2017
By megan_jewison BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
megan_jewison BRONZE, Nevis, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rest on the dank floor of the forest, with a cozy gray blanket underneath me. I hear the brisk wind streaming through the frightful trees. The wind has no care in the world. The wind has no care if its next ghastly blow of air will knock the crumbling tree over. The wind has no care if its next draft will send the leaves scurrying. The wind has no care in the world. 

As it rattles the leaves, and sways the trees, the wind moves and sounds like an orchestra. The wind gusts through the unforgiving trees at a high whistling pace. The gold and red leaves break free, only to be picked up again. The wind calms, and everything is at peace for the moment. The viola surrounded by the fading sound of its solo.

Then, everything picks up again in a soft crescendo, singing a sweet lullaby. The leaves, like the flute, are one of the smallest things in nature. While small, it has the biggest impact in the orchestra of the wind.

The wind has no secrets. It feels all, knows all, sees all.

The wind has no agenda. It pushes the heavy trees. It pulls on the brittle leaves until they're forced to unbind from their chains. The grass creates an always moving portrait. Every second something new is created. The wind creates a mesmerizing ripple on the lake. The wind stops. Everything around me is frozen in time.  The water no longer ripples, it's smooth as a rock that's been worn by the elements. The trees no longer bend to the relentless wind. They stand tall, sturdy like a skyscraper. The leaves continue to fall with no wind, in patterns unknown.
The eyes aren't a necessity to be able to write about the wind. Nor do you need to be in a certain place. It's everywhere all around us, no matter our place. I can feel it bite at my pink cheeks as I walk outside on a bitter winter day. It drifts in the soft scent of wood being burned a few houses down. The breeze sings a soothing lullaby of leaves rustling through the trees. The waves on the lake are a never-ending movement of tide and the wind never lets up. The wild releases the sweet smell of autumn leaves into the sky, creating an aroma I can't resist. The wind is all around us, not having a care in the world.

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