Flying | Teen Ink


November 21, 2009
By vangordio BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
vangordio BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
4 articles 7 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
\&quot;Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.\&quot; <br /> Chinese Proverb

I feel like my heart is going to punch right through my chest. Why wouldn’t it just stop? Even if I mess this whole thing up I’ll survive, right? Just put your grips on and go! What’s the chance of messing up anyway? I’ve done this routine hundreds of times. Besides, why am I letting a pair of bars scare me? As for the judges, they couldn’t swing on the high bar without breaking something anyway, why should I let them intimidate me? I’m not going to let fear stop me now, not after I’ve practiced so long.

It’s my turn now, my body feels stiff even after stretching, but I know if I just concentrate I’ll do well, and I do want to win. I salute the judges and go. Swing, kip, front hip circle, stoop on, jump to the high bar, now that I’m on the bars my nerves seem to melt away and I’m flying. I spin and flip off the high bar, landing with the familiar thud, salute and I’m finally done. With bars.

The author's comments:
A monologe I wrote for school, in seventh grade, about gymnastics.


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