Whats it like being a teenager today? | Teen Ink

Whats it like being a teenager today?

November 25, 2024
By Anonymous

What is it Like Being a Teenager Today?

Being a teenager can be hard, your body is changing, your mind is changing and everything feels so confusing. Some days I just stay home curled up in bed for no explainable reason other than I dont have the motivation to get ready for school and socialize. Other days I wake up feeling so happy and so ready for school even if I have nothing special going on. 

My teenage years have so far been amazing. I've focused my energy into making everyday i wake up not wanting to go to school a challenge. Forcing myself to make it through the mind numbing day going class to class, seeing my friends, eating lunch and going home. I challenge myself to make each day something new, something different, something funner. To make the days un-blend. 

Honestly I think it's easy to overlook the bad and the good of being a teenager. While everyone's life and body is different we all change together, when we are at school we all change and learn around each other. Of course there is always bad with the good, like how the day always ends, but that doesn't mean that you have to resign yourself to having a bad day or a bad year. I just turned 15, and my life has been a rollercoaster from middle school to my freshman year, but the bad always fades to good. 

My body has changed and my mind has grown. I've learned so much throughout the years. My opinions have changed, I don't like the things i used to anymore, and I'm growing as a person. I think that's the hardest part of being a teenager. Learning to grown and to let the past stay in the past.

The author's comments:

a little ramble about how I feel being a teenager and growing as a person. 

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