Teen opinion essays on war, peace, politics, justice and more | Teen Ink


Top voted Points of View

#32281voted by our readers
By Julia Edelman SILVER
Roslyn, New York

You know those days when you can't fall asleep because you're so awake you've forgotten how to close your eyes? Just those ordinary things you do all the time, but never stop to th...
Julia Edelman SILVER, Roslyn, New York
6 articles 11 photos 1 comment

#32282 Opinion
By dstyles23 BRONZE
Cleveland, Ohio
dstyles23 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#32283 Opinion
By Anonymous
#32284 Opinion
By Schlag SILVER
Brookville, New York
Schlag SILVER, Brookville, New York
8 articles 3 photos 0 comments
#32285 Opinion
#32286 Opinion
By Anonymous
#32287 Opinion
sydelle PLATINUM, Estacada, Oregon
26 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear..."

#32288 Opinion
By AlFonzy1013 SILVER
Mundelein, Illinois
AlFonzy1013 SILVER, Mundelein, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#32289 Opinion
By floraleight BRONZE
Parsippany, New Jersey
floraleight BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i am cringe but free

#32290 Opinion
By LittleLadybird GOLD
Carrickfergus, Other
LittleLadybird GOLD, Carrickfergus, Other
14 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be nobody but yourself in a world that is trying it's hardest every night and day to change you into everyone else is to fight the hardest battle a human being can fight, and never stop fighting.