Trans acceptance and problems | Teen Ink

Trans acceptance and problems

April 29, 2024
By AewWithTheArtz BRONZE, Kenyon, Minnesota
AewWithTheArtz BRONZE, Kenyon, Minnesota
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Favorite Quote:
If life gets you down, Blast the music.

There are many sexualities and genders that people go by; they could be questioning for a while, and that's fine. People don't need to worry too much about how long it takes, it's ok to be confused, take time, Sometimes it's just easier to find out who a person is by exploring it in a way. I've had many friends that tried out for example different pronouns to see which ones felt more like them, the ones that they felt most comfortable with. In the end, they found who they were. To my knowledge and the article “What are the 72 other genders?” By Shaziya Allarakha and reviewed by Pallavi Suyog Uttekar Both Medical people. This article review was published on February 9 2024. On the site MedicineNet. There are many genders, for any that might feel. Reading through these, they all have a unique name yet the description is rather knowledgeable. I believe this article and genders could be quite reliable, for I have heard many of these identity names, like Agender the feeling of no gender, and gender Flux the feeling of gender changing time to time subtly. They all have their own unique details, and help many people find who they are; so possibly when not knowing who they might be, reading through this could probably help find what they're looking for, the right key to match. It's also a good educator. 

All kids need someone in their life, to be by their side, helping, caring, it's just how it goes. That need usually goes to a friend of some kind, someone that they share the most with, the one with a strong bond. These friends accept each other, give each other courage, and can help them through things. That's why most kids go to their friends when they need help or just in general than their own parents. For some people, they are pushed, by the world, people, family. They are pushed to be someone they're not, and will never be, as for say a trans person. 

Most parents of trans kids push their kids into being someone else, someone that just doesn't fit their title, like making them wear clothes that are for the gender they were born with, even though that makes them uncomfortable, and the parent still does it? At one point the parents could be all nice, and then when their child comes out, or says one thing that doesn't fit their criteria and they twist everything on them? Making them look like the bad person. 

When trans kids come out, they have all this strength and courage that they worked up, having to push past fear of not being accepted. So when a parent isn't accepting, and probably the opposite and saying those famous four words: “It's just a faze.” And usually sugar coating it by putting “Sweetie.” at the end. Not accepting or gaslighting them, just for actually wanting to tell their parents how they feel could lose further relationship with that family member. 

Trans kids need, and want acceptance from the person they grew up with, to have their back as they face the world. Some families were already broken, so it's harder to say anything that they actually feel, cause they’ll think that they're gonna cause more problems. Most broken families that i'm speaking of, is usually caused by either divorce, death, or other problems like that, addictions, and other habits. 

Even grown ups will have hard times with being open, since they’ve been not what they thought for so long, they could be in denial, or thinking something's wrong with them, that's usually because people never really concluded the lgbt that much back then, since lgbt wasn't really a topic necessary for people to talk about. It's hard to just come out after years and years; But now, as in later these days coming to a conclusion about themselves.

Proper attire is wearing things that make that person who they are. Something like gender dysphoria can make stuff so much more difficult, like wearing something uncomfortable it can lower confidence and overall make that person sad. Like in the Article “What's it like to be Transgender?” on “U.S. Newsstream” by The Brian Lehrer show; New York City, published on June 1, 2023. They talk about things such as gender dysphoria and gender euphoria. “Gender euphoria is simply the feeling of all of these things going right for us.” Tuck, one of the guests on that show had said. He was asked to describe euphoria, as he had felt it before, and has it plenty of times. He had also said something under the lines of if people don't feel dysphoria a lot, they would also not feel euphoria a lot. A way to get this euphoria that some might wish to have, they can start dressing how they feel and want. For instance, cutting their own hair for either a more feminine look or a more masculine look. No matter what gender or who the person preserves as they can still have as long hair as they want and look masculine or have short hair and look feminine, it's whatever they feel most comfortable with. People could also do things to be more themselves, for example, wanting to feel more masculine they can start using men's deodorant or shower products and cologne. Same with feminine but swapped, like perfume, and so on. 

Another way of perceiving as the gender they wish, they could use makeup; Makeup is a good deceiving tactic, many people use it to transform their face, like how cosplayers or actors do. 

Testosterone and estrogen can help people feel more comfortable in their own body, and with their own voice, making them feel comfy with how they sound. I know I don't like my voice. Mainly from it being too high and a bit pitchy. But I'm fine with it until then. 

Surgery is always accepted in the trans community, not saying that's the best way to go because some trans people don't get surgery and that's perfectly valid. People use binders a lot, mostly for the time they can't get surgery. 8 hours is mostly the wear time, sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, maybe check with the company or friend that someone will get it from beforehand, just in case; make sure to wash it correctly and that it's coming from a trustworthy place or person. Use it properly, wearing it for too long or during exercises can damage the chest/lungs/ribs. Always do some research so that it can give a better understanding and knowledge of it. 

There are also some foods out there that can give more testosterone and foods that give more estrogen. So that's a fun little thing to put into a diet. A big one for testosterone is nuts like walnuts, cashews, and almonds. 

“...Gender dysphoria as a marked incongruence between a person's experienced or expressed gender and the one they were assigned at birth. Wikipedia defines gender dysphoria as the distress a person experiences due to that mismatch…” Brian, the lead host, said. And I totally agree. Yet dysphoria isn't just for trans people, it could be for cis people as well, and for those who surprisingly don't know. The word “cis” is not a bad descriptor, it's just a way of saying that a person is the same gender as assigned at birth.

Acceptance is a big want in this area; In gender, sexuality, and just equality in all. Everyone wants some sort of acceptance, kids, teens, adults, animals, and so on.

Before anything, people should have accepted themself, not having to push away their needs for other people, and taking authority over their being.

Trans people usually, or LGBT+ people in general want acceptance from the world, and they don't really get it, they're kinda just pushed off to the sidelines. Seeming as unwanted. 

They're not tryna get anyone to be them, or push someone into being something they're not, telling them how to act, how they should perceive. They're not even doing anything hurtful, yet most get mistreated, in schools, work establishments, online, or just out in about.

In the Article on the “Allsides” news site,  “How did Benedict die? Breaking down questions and biased media coverage.” By Henry A. Brechter. Published on March 14th, 2024. A 16-year-old named Nex Benedict, a Non-binary teen who went by he/they died on February 8th, 2024 after being rushed to the hospital. The day before his death They were attacked in the girl's bathroom because he tried to stand up to one of their friend's bullies, 

“They had been bullying me and my friends and I got tired of it so poured water on them and all 3 came after me,” was a message they had sent to someone, apparently he had to go to the ER after this,  it was just a couple scraps and bruises but that wasn't the cause of death. 

The next morning after the attack Nex had collapsed and was sent to the hospital again, where he was pronounced dead. “The death was ruled a suicide a month later by the local medical examiner.” was written in the article. They say the police weren't allowed to say if there was a note left or not. Nor did they say the exact method, but that reassured, should not be needed. I believe that the girls that did attack Nex were not charged with anything, not even getting in much trouble. It did say that even though Nex had hit his head and caused damage during the attack that was not the case for their death.

Kids and teens get bullied out of the most of it, And when Nex tried to stick up for himself, and sure, maybe dumping water on their heads wasn't the best idea, they shouldn't have to be beaten enough to be put in the ER let alone wanting to commit. 

Knowing someone feels so left out, hated, and not wanted that they don't want to be here anymore is heartbreaking. That could be someone you care about, a close friend, maybe a child, family; or anyone that you can think of. And that's sad. I have friends who had so many rough times, having to deal with so much criticism from the world. Even some of my family, not specifically the lgbt part, but just not being accepted.

I think acceptance should be allowed, it's key. And even if it's the smallest thing, getting pronouns right, names, not pushing for someone else, encouraging them. The slightest thing could help someone stay, just for a little bit more. Hopefully for longer.

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