Gay, Lesbian, bi relationships are okay!! | Teen Ink

Gay, Lesbian, bi relationships are okay!!

September 20, 2009
By ~luckydutchess~ BRONZE, Keywest, Florida
~luckydutchess~ BRONZE, Keywest, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One day there will be a chance that you will say that you love one person and really mean it, but every day one person is at least loving you now." - Me

I don't understand why most people in the world don't like people of the same sex to be in a relationship. I'm bisexual myself and people come up to me and start critizing me because i am, but they dont understand that I'm special in my own way just like other ppl, no matter who they are.

Where I live the main population is gay, lesbian and bi people. In front of my school there are even people writing signs saying "God hates America and Fags are not welcomed here!" I am getting so sick of it! This is making us not want to come out and actually be us.

The government has no right to make laws saying that gays can not be married. God and government does not mix people! Get it straight! Some of yur friends might actually be gay, lesbian or bi, and would u not be there friend because of it? If you would, then you are messed up and not worthy of their friendship.

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This article has 1004 comments.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 6:15 pm
then dont evr tlk to me nor comment on my stuff. i mean it!

on Nov. 26 2010 at 6:08 pm
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
no i dnt want to be your friend

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 5:40 pm
i do care, just go! u shouldve done this b4. if u dont want to be my friend, then just say so. this hurts tatyana davis (yeah i checked the last messages), u luved me and called me a sweetheart. thats very nice to see from u, thats nice. but leaving me isnt. thnx for the short "friendship".

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 5:32 pm
dont want to be my friend, then go ahead. it hurts, but if thats wat u want, go ahead.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 5:30 pm
tatyana, if u dont want to be my friend. just say so.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 5:29 pm
im letting God judge since mortal man cant handle judgement from their own kind.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 26 2010 at 5:27 pm
so summer u talk her into leaving me and forsaken me. yeah, i know i said that i would not type another word until monday, but what heck with it. im not angry, im a bit upset. i try to fix this problem. but it seems that u woulnt even give me a chance. tatyana if u dont want to be my friend, then u shouldve told me from the beginning. if u "luved" me then u would let me hve another chance. but ur not. Jesus said we should forgive another no matter what. ive forgiven u many times. y cant u do the same to me?? it seems like u 2 tlk behide my back, thnx a lot. i forgive u, but this isnt right. is this how friends treat each other here on the internet? if so, this hurts. this hurts. i know i put something inbetween, and u treat me like i was a nobody to u. u ignored me?! y r u doing this to me? wat did i do to deserve this? all i evr wanted was friends. in school and on the internet. call this a "revelation" to the eyes. but this isnt right! yes i was immature (i'll admit) and i gave into my anger. if u did cry tatyana on wat i hve done in the past, then . . . y cant u hold on this friendship like a solid foundation. HOLD ONTO IT LIKE UR LIFE. im disapointed with u both. i dont want to loose friends, i rlly dont want that. but wat gives u the right to hurt me? i nvr wanted to hurt u. ur my friends for petes sake! i know its late but i'll say it: happy late tnxgiving. but wat gives u the right to go behide my back?????

Bu...Bu...Be said...
on Nov. 25 2010 at 3:43 pm
Bu...Bu...Be, Grand Junction, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments
Sorry but i sooo disagree with gays and lesbians and bi sexuals im not saying people should make fun of them or abuse them but im just not for the whole same sex stuff.

on Nov. 25 2010 at 2:10 pm
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
lol of them r lol i dnt know one kool oe

on Nov. 25 2010 at 10:59 am
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
gotcha its koo

on Nov. 25 2010 at 5:09 am
lol i found u i think. luv the pic its just i dont really know u and my parents, u think theyd get oveer  but they hate me not to add ppl i dont knnow

on Nov. 25 2010 at 1:28 am
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
can u find me... oh and ur welcome lol ha

on Nov. 24 2010 at 9:27 pm
and hey thanks on saying im not a devil i think :) lol

on Nov. 24 2010 at 9:26 pm
lol ok then i give u an open to prove me wrong. :) lol

on Nov. 24 2010 at 9:23 pm
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
i just happen to know 2 old people but i will prove u wrong lol

on Nov. 24 2010 at 8:36 pm
lol il find u and lol old ppl huh?

on Nov. 24 2010 at 8:25 pm
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
 2 answer ur question old people dnt have face books no wait my grandma have one nvm and my aunties mom well ur rite

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 24 2010 at 7:33 pm
im . . . so . . . sorry tatyana. i didnt know that. =*( =*O i didnt know that at all. well . . . yes u do know of my anger. and yes i was immature. i dont deserve u as a friend. maybe its best if we go our separate paths. im sorry for being a brat, im sorry for being immature, im sorry for saying those nasty things that i said. i just got on checking my email and, i saw this. summer and tatyana, the only question i have: y is it that people who are so strong willed of the Bible that go too far into the extreme? cuz i feel im going that direction. just to let u know, im not being on the computer till monday. in a way its called exile from this. im so sorry. =*( im so sorry. and i somehow think ur not gonna forgive me cuz u think u cant trust me at all. but im sorry. i dont deserve forgivness, i dont deserve nothing but to be . . . idk what to think, but i dont deserve anything. im so sorry. =*(

on Nov. 24 2010 at 6:47 pm
i know and its always hard to do that but really while im all for patching it up do u think u can ever be a friend with someone again who told u to jump off a bridge? i mean i luv travis as a friend i really do but that was a little overboard especially because like i said before you seem pretty nice. :) i mean ur not a complete devil at least :))) lol

on Nov. 24 2010 at 6:43 pm
Tatyana DIAMOND, Colorado, Colorado
60 articles 0 photos 171 comments
yea and like honestly though i dnt argue i do have a bad temper with fighting but such as arguing thats when my poetry comes in but i just dnt know i mean ill love to friends with him but i cnt imagine how if we both can come to come aggrement with this whole thing i know he cares because the first time i tld hom we cnt be friends he said the most sweetest things it made me cry i hate telling people we cnt be friends but i dnt wnna be a hippacrite