Gay, Lesbian, bi relationships are okay!! | Teen Ink

Gay, Lesbian, bi relationships are okay!!

September 20, 2009
By ~luckydutchess~ BRONZE, Keywest, Florida
~luckydutchess~ BRONZE, Keywest, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One day there will be a chance that you will say that you love one person and really mean it, but every day one person is at least loving you now." - Me

I don't understand why most people in the world don't like people of the same sex to be in a relationship. I'm bisexual myself and people come up to me and start critizing me because i am, but they dont understand that I'm special in my own way just like other ppl, no matter who they are.

Where I live the main population is gay, lesbian and bi people. In front of my school there are even people writing signs saying "God hates America and Fags are not welcomed here!" I am getting so sick of it! This is making us not want to come out and actually be us.

The government has no right to make laws saying that gays can not be married. God and government does not mix people! Get it straight! Some of yur friends might actually be gay, lesbian or bi, and would u not be there friend because of it? If you would, then you are messed up and not worthy of their friendship.

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This article has 1004 comments.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:45 am
You ganging up on me??!!

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:44 am
All of you know I'm right. You people are wrong!

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:42 am
All of you are pathetic. Just drop the conversation! I have had enough with people who stand up for this! Just drop it!

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:40 am
VampireX, this is a debate and, the way I'm seeing it you are on the loosing team.

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:39 am
Asain flower why do you stand up for this? Have they ever stood up for you?

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:37 am
Yes I have sinned but I confess them to God. Have you ever done that?

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:36 am
Dragonscribe if you know that gays are a sin, why do you stick up for them? Have they ever stood up for you?

TrinityCreed said...
on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:26 am
luckydutchess deal with it! Homosexuals are an abomination! They are not are not welcomed to america nor any where on earth! They are ugly people, lets treat them like ugly poeple!

VampireX GOLD said...
on Nov. 5 2010 at 8:59 am
VampireX GOLD, Spotsylvania, Virginia
18 articles 0 photos 81 comments
This is supposed to be an oppinion article, not a church debate! everyone chill. God says we have to be happy in our lives right? I'm straight, however I don't think gays need to be separated from all of society. Leave them be!

on Nov. 4 2010 at 8:11 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

Trinity, have you ever sinned? I know you have - everyone has, a million times over. Do you think God hates you for your sin? No! He hates sin, not sinners. Jesus ate and prayed with sinners in the Bible. You are saying those who sin will not be saved, while Jesus was born for just that reason.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 8:08 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

Trinity; have you ever sinned? And because I know you have - everyone has, a million times over - do you think God will let you suffer because of that? No! That's why He sent of Jesus, to save us from our sins. You are implying that God hates those who sin. He hates sin, but He loves sinners. Jesus ate with sinners in the Bible.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 8:05 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

No, I'm not g. I have thought about it and I am not. But if I was, I would lead a chaste life - a life without indulging in romantic activities. I would become a nun, or a preacher, a priest - or not even that but just a very good person with a wonderful life. And I would know God loves me.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 8:02 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

Sorry to compare the g population with the ill and mental; just trying to make a point. Don't mean to offend.

Anyways, Trinity, you are saying that God did not create g people - they chose their own 'evil' ways and will suffer for it. Well, I'm sorry. I thought God was forgiving. I thought He was merciful and I thought He was loving. Obviously, you do not think He is.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 7:58 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

I refuse to believe there are any human beings God didn't create and God doesn't love. Romantic g relationships are a sin because our bodies aren't made that way, but g people themselves are fine. Saying they are evil is like saying cripples are evil - like saying people with illnesses or mental problems are evil.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 7:56 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

No, I'm not 'in anger'. I'm just trying to stress a valid point - g people don't choose to be the way they are; it's a chemical difference in their brains that makes them attracted to others of the same gender.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 7:53 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

Listen, gays don't choose to be gay. It's a chemical difference in their brains that makes them attracted the way they are.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 7:52 pm
Dragonscribe BRONZE, West Lafayette, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 303 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A Person&#039;s a Person no Matter how Small&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet&quot;<br /> and<br /> &quot;God helps those who help themselves&quot;

Gays don't choose to be gays. It's a chemical difference in their brains that makes them attracted the way they are. Like I said, I believe romantic gay relationships are sinful because God did not make our bodies that way, but I refuse to believe there are any human beings that were not made by God and are not made by God.

on Nov. 4 2010 at 5:16 pm
Chinadoll BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 172 comments
wow you need to humble yourself a little and loosen up all opinions should be respected. Going judgements like this no wonder why people don't like any idea of God and us who follow him

on Nov. 4 2010 at 5:13 pm
Chinadoll BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 172 comments
Yes it is wrong in the bible, but you are making it sound like they aren't human or something. All opinions should be respected but your is just too judgemental for your own good. You're even judging this dragon person by the name. I'm a christian, but God loves all people no matter what and they're not any different than us. We all sin God loves us all, Going up this kind of judgement no wonder religon is mocked by the world...

missqwertyp said...
on Nov. 4 2010 at 4:44 pm
Being a Christian I must say that I am terribly sorry that people can call themselves fellow Christians and be so hateful. I don't agree with homosexuality, but I am called to love everyone. So what if you've made some choices that I, or other people, don't agree with. If I had a homosexual friend I wouldn't be a jerk to them. What everyone needs is for their friends to love them and show them the love of Christ. The reason people don't like it is because it makes them uncomfortable. God doesn't call us to get rid of everything that makes us uncomfortable, but for each individual to accept each other and be kind. And know that by loving someone who is different than you God can work on their lives.. if He wants them to change HE will work on their lives. It's not our responsibility to change them. Or protest against them with hate.