Socially unacceptable | Teen Ink

Socially unacceptable

February 28, 2013
By AshleyNicole1995 GOLD, Queen City, Texas
AshleyNicole1995 GOLD, Queen City, Texas
11 articles 3 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whatever is lovely...think about such things.-Philippians 4:8

Our society faces all sorts of problems. I believe one of the biggest issues we face is body image. Mainly to do with television, magazines, and music.
TV shows mostly depict skinny, petite girls. There aren't enough relatable girls for girls to look up to. TV shows showcase only one type of person.
Flipping through a magazine, you see super skinny models with their bones practically sticking out. They're so airbrushed that it gives young girls a unrealistic idea of how a body really looks. Magazines contort bodies to match an idea that doesn't even exist.
Music lyrics flow through our
speakers objectifying a cookie-cutter image. Artists sing about tall, skinny women only being beautiful. Artist lyrics speak about a fixed image that no one could live up to.
The harmful thing about society is that they only show one type of person. I believe one of the biggest issues we face is body image. Mainly to do with television, magazines, and music.

The author's comments:
Being a teenager in today's society makes it very hard to feel good about yourself. I want people to understand that this isn't only just a issue it's a epidemic. Leading to depression, even suicide. It's very serious and should be addressed.


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