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If You Are Not Christian Why Would You Go To Hell?
I think that even if you are not christian,you will make it in heaven! How do we know if what the bible says is true? We don't really have a reliable source for that. And just because you are not a follower does not? mean you are not his children.If God truly created us equally, in some way, why would there need to be a reason for going to hell or to heaven? In god's eyes we are his children,and nothing can change that.You shouldn't always trust something you read. I mean how do we know that they are hiding the truth from us with this bible?? How do we know it's not all made up?
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Unfortunately, humans are sinful by nature. No matter how hard we try, we still do bad things. There is no amount of good that we can do to make up for our sinful nature. The only way to get to heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ, who sacificed himself to redeem us from our sins.
Let me ask you: do you believe in God? If so, WHY? There is evidence. There is logic. You look around and say, "Who or WHAT created this?" and come to the conclusion that a higher power must have. It's the same with the afterlife. I have logically concluded, for a variety of reasons the most strong being my own conscience, that there is life after death.
Further than that, hmmm. I don't see any correlation between your comment of the "Church" thwarting scientifical disoveries and the issue at hand, so I won't respond to it. As for advancing the human race "unconsciously" or consciously, fine. But for what purpose? WHY? There's no point at all, according to you.
No, I will not change my opinion. I had rather hoped you'd change yours, though. Not for me, not so I'm right, but for you. For your soul, and your fate. Pertaining to your comments about an unfavorable reality, what was "horrible" to me was not your reality. Rather, it was saddening for me to hear your philosophy. It's nothing short of intellectual suicide. I don't know what's next, so nothing is.
Yet there is an inherent flaw in your logic -- you cannot make up a solidly based opinion on the various theories of what are present. You cannot logically state, "I don't want to think there's nothing after death. Therefore there must be an afterlife!" with absolute certainty, because it is subjective. As for the "beyond the grave" experiences, I do not believe they have any credibility whatsoever. There's too many instances to ignore... that's like saying, "Well, between 75-95 percent of r.apes are never reported to the police. There's too many instances to ignore. Therefore, r.ape definitely never happened in 75-95% of instances!"
Excuse me for using such an example with such awful subject matter, but it's the one I think off of the top of my head. Also, advancing the human race is not really something we do consciously. Science - innovation - discovery - these things advance the human race. If you look back in history, you'll see how often the Church has attempted to thwart these discoveries, i.e. Sir Isaac Newton who had to renounce his. And why should it matter to you? Because this is your life, and life is amazing, and I'd rather spend my time enjoying my Earthly life than worrying about eternal life which, most likely, does not exist.
I know you won't change your opinion, but at least try and consider my side of the story. The Ben Franklin quote is what really provoked me into thinking this. It may seem "horrible", but just because reality is unfavorable doesn't mean we should refute it. Just because we're scared of death doesn't mean we should make up stories about what comes after. Well, actually, that is what we do to make us feel better about it.
That's horrible. I cannot see how anyone can accept such uncertainty, and meaninglessness. If the point of life is to "advance the human race," then I'd rather not live. Why should I advance something I have but 70 years to participate in? Why should it matter to me?
Besides that, what do you say to those who have "beyond the grave" experiences? Sure, many people are fanatics and I can accept that not all accounts will be wholly accurate, or totally true. But there are too many instances to ignore! There is something after this, and at the very least one should investigate the varying theories of what exactly is after life, in order to make up a solidly based opinion.
As for me, "I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen: not because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." --C.S. Lewis. God is the answer. His Son is the solution. Eternity is at stake.
If what Christians believe is NOT real, then no one has anything to worry about. We'll just be bodies in the ground. However, if what Christains believe is true... If I believe is true, you have a lot to worry about.
We are posed with a choice. Believe in what Christ did for you, or don't. I just pose the question to you that if you died tonight, do you know where you'll be? The Bible is clear. There is only one way in to Heaven Through Jesus. And you are either for him or against him. There is no middle ground.
God loves us all, so he gave us a way to lay our sins down and follow him. How can you go to heaven if you aren't even following Christ?