If You Are Not Christian Why Would You Go To Hell? | Teen Ink

If You Are Not Christian Why Would You Go To Hell?

November 7, 2009
By Ally_Yang PLATINUM, Smyrna, Tennessee
Ally_Yang PLATINUM, Smyrna, Tennessee
22 articles 0 photos 7 comments

I think that even if you are not christian,you will make it in heaven! How do we know if what the bible says is true? We don't really have a reliable source for that. And just because you are not a follower does not? mean you are not his children.If God truly created us equally, in some way, why would there need to be a reason for going to hell or to heaven? In god's eyes we are his children,and nothing can change that.You shouldn't always trust something you read. I mean how do we know that they are hiding the truth from us with this bible?? How do we know it's not all made up?

The author's comments:
I was answering a question on Youtube about this particular topic. It kind of raged me into writing this.

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on Apr. 24 2010 at 6:36 am
Jkrissy95 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

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Leonardo Da Vinci<br /> Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen, even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.

the words have translated to ways easier for, lets say children to understand in children bibles. there are many different version all saying the same thing just using simpler words to get the message through.

religion of any type or aetheism is basically having faith in something that not many other people believe. and the torah is the first half of the bible. the new tesament is jesus' life on earth, the stories of his followers and desciples.

the bible says man or uses the word man meaning all human beings. jesus constantly spoke about equality and love for every single person no matter what they've done, who they are or where they come from. man=men and women. thats how they spoke back then. there are many women in the bible with amazingly important roles. some saved their country, some saved christians, some saved families. either way back then, that was society. u cant get mad at what society was before the rise of women's rights in america a few hundred years ago.

i understand completely what ur sayng, nd thank you so much for boldly answering back. im soo serious thank you. i appreciate the argument lol

i know what i believe in just like you know what you believe in . i guess thats what happens wen u hav freewill. we just hav to b open and respect all opinions.

on Apr. 21 2010 at 6:03 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

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&quot;The pen is mightier than the sword.&quot; - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

buddha and mohammed are not in the Bible. they have nothing to do with Christianity. why don't you know what you're talking about before you start dissing the Bible?

on Apr. 21 2010 at 6:02 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

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&quot;The pen is mightier than the sword.&quot; - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

THANK YOU! my thoughts completely. I am so sick and tired of people who know NOTHING about Christianity and have never even looked at a Bible much less read one, yet have the nerve to have an issue with a religion they know nothing about.

on Apr. 21 2010 at 6:00 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

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&quot;The pen is mightier than the sword.&quot; - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

And what do you mean by "they"? They who? You make it sound like current day peple wrote the Bible, and in fact this is not so. It was written thousands of years ago.

on Apr. 21 2010 at 5:59 pm
PurpleFeather BRONZE, Canton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 124 comments

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&quot;The pen is mightier than the sword.&quot; - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

We know it's not made up because there is scientific and archaelogical proof that many of the events in the Bible happened.

Humans were suppoed to be perfect, but Adam and Eve messed up in the garden by letting themselves believe Satan. That brought sin into the world, and God cannot be near sin. That's why he had to be separated from us until Jesus came. and if you don't accept Jesus, then you're still separated from God. Which means you can't get into heaven. Period.

on Apr. 19 2010 at 10:09 am
Author of this selection:  we were made perfect, after Gods image, we became sinful, therefore banished from God. He didnt want that, he wants to love us but the only way for us to accept that love is to acknowledge that we are sinners. "for he became sin, who bore no sin, so that we might become rightous. he carried to cross. love so amazing. jesus messiah, name above all names, glorious savior, wonderous lord." God doesnt want us in hell, he didnt make hell for us, but "for the wages of sin is death." what the bible says is true and if you do not believe this your destined for eternal separation from God. please, talk with your pastor or youth group leader and if you need to, reply to this comment, ask me questions, ill be more thanhappy to answer. =)

CJMurph said...
on Apr. 15 2010 at 12:45 pm
I'm a Buddhist so i really don't know if there is a God or what. But i think if there is a God he would let antone into heaven if they are a good person regaurdless of their religion. Even though i don't really believe that there is a God, if there is one I think he would let a Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist person who is preaching peace over a Catholic person who commits violence in the name of God, like those militias they found in Michigan a couple of weeks ago.

agforever said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 7:07 pm
agforever, Midlothian, Virginia
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Whoever said that nothing was impossible never tried to slam a revolving door. ~Me

You do know that the bible has been edited and changed thousands of times throughout history, right? You don't have to believe in the bible to believe in history. The 'history' may be just made up from a change. 

And whenever you read the bible, notice that they do not say many things about females. If god created us all equal, then shouldn't there be more references to old women in the bible. Shouldn't women be allowed to become priests? There are many contradictions in the bible, and that is just one of them. 

Also, the idea of the Christian god actually came from the Jewish god, because Christianity stemmed from Judaism. Not all of our knowledge came from the bible. Some comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls, others come from the Jewish Torah, and many other sources.

I agree with you in that we have to look deeper into things, and that is exactly what I am doing. Don't believe everything that is just written in it; look for the connections to different controversies and the history behind it, too. It will give you a whole new perspective. 

ssssss BRONZE said...
on Apr. 13 2010 at 8:11 pm
ssssss BRONZE, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 28 comments

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If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you it&#039;s yours, if it doesn&#039;t, it never was.

Of course it breaks his heart but he can't have sin in his kingdom because he is perfect so if you do not follow god then you kind of like aren't holy enough to enter his kingdom

on Apr. 12 2010 at 2:16 pm
XxLostxX BRONZE, Viola, Wisconsin
2 articles 28 photos 40 comments

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&quot;I guess today my dream became my disease.&quot;

im atheist....so i think all of this is rubbish.

Dynasty GOLD said...
on Apr. 12 2010 at 8:52 am
Dynasty GOLD, Rio Grande, Ohio
11 articles 3 photos 29 comments
yeah i see that now i type too fast if im not paying alot of attention sorry

on Apr. 11 2010 at 11:15 pm
EMERY BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Open up MS Word or Open Office and use the spell checker and grammar check before posting an essay on a public website. It's really not that hard.

And I wasn't in a bad mood. I was being honest, fair, and critical. I'd love to read your essay and have a mature discussion if you'd just check your grammar and spelling.

on Apr. 10 2010 at 8:59 pm
Silevryn BRONZE, Osceola, Missouri
3 articles 51 photos 58 comments

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&quot;The world hasn&#039;t become more violent, it&#039;s become more televised&quot;

Thats fine. At least in hell I will be among friends

on Apr. 10 2010 at 4:23 pm
Jenna4Jesus BRONZE, New Brunswick, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 65 comments

Um that isnt right. You just totally dodged the question. Too hard for you to answer?

Word, Essie!:)

on Apr. 10 2010 at 4:19 pm
Jenna4Jesus BRONZE, New Brunswick, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 65 comments
Um, i don't want to sound mean or anything but this article makes you come out as very ignorant. Archaeology as well as numerous ancient documents support it. Have you ever heard of oral history? I see that you have never even read the Bible or you would have known that the Bible says there is a heaven and hell because there is something called sin and it "changes that" Before you rant off, maybe you should do your research soon. No offense! Now what? Youve just inspired me to write something. thanx! :)

on Apr. 10 2010 at 12:41 pm
toxic.monkey SILVER, Tashkent, Other
6 articles 0 photos 210 comments

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&quot;Homo homini lupus&quot;

my belief is that the bible is a collection of tall tales. tall tales are stories where hyperbole has been applied heavily by the way the story is first passed on- word of mouth. basically people were talking about this man who did this thing but they blew everything up. i'm pretty sure that jesus existed, that he told people about not killing and everything. i also happen to think that moses lived, and buddha certainly lived, and mohammed did too. i don't think there's use in trying to prove the bible or disproving it- it must be true since it didn't just come from nowhere. but some of it is certainly fiction.

on Apr. 10 2010 at 12:26 pm
toxic.monkey SILVER, Tashkent, Other
6 articles 0 photos 210 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Homo homini lupus&quot;

EMERY, I think you should learn about being nice to people and not taking out your own bad mood on others.

on Apr. 10 2010 at 1:55 am
Ally_Yang PLATINUM, Smyrna, Tennessee
22 articles 0 photos 7 comments
ehhh...itz fine i got the just of it

on Apr. 10 2010 at 1:44 am
Ally_Yang PLATINUM, Smyrna, Tennessee
22 articles 0 photos 7 comments
nooo...if ur gewd u go up...ur bad u go down...but no becuz u believe in sumthing else

ssssss BRONZE said...
on Apr. 8 2010 at 9:28 am
ssssss BRONZE, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you it&#039;s yours, if it doesn&#039;t, it never was.

One thing I have learned is that you do not go to heaven for good deeds. You go to heaven for believing in Christ that he died for our sins and rose again and that he is the only way to God. There may be other smaller reasons too that I have forgotten but those are the main reasons. I believe you can go to heaven even after you have murdered somebody. Look at the people stationed in Iraq. I'm sure there are plenty of christians out there that have to kill or be killed. There are people that have done terrible things there whole life and I believe will still go to heaven. Going to heaven is not based on the deeds you do but what you believe in.