why? | Teen Ink


November 10, 2022
By camilabarraza GOLD, Middleboro, Massachusetts
camilabarraza GOLD, Middleboro, Massachusetts
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that she glows, like the sun. But when she’s sad, she wallows like the clouds when a tornado storms in. Why is it that people don't see the way her face sinks, only the way her face shines when she shines. Why is it that the scars on her arms fade and she cries because she can no longer remember. Why is it that she can no longer remember her past, when she hoped the strongest. But now her hope is dying and her tears shine, instead of her face. Which explains why her face sinks, more than she glows.

Damn it. But explain why.

Explain it all, until it makes sense. Because she can't seem to see past the confusion, and lies that the world tells her. Making her spin in circles until she finds the answer that she’s looking for.But yet never finding the goal. Sadly. Until she decides to leave and with that she’s gone. Still as confused as ever but masking the hurt. Why? Because, that’s how it makes sense to her.

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