Stairway | Teen Ink


January 11, 2024
By BeatriceEvans SILVER, New Haven, Connecticut
BeatriceEvans SILVER, New Haven, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stairs to the classroom seemed like they reached the heavens.

They would never end, and I would be stuck here forever; always walking, never reaching the top. Never succeeding, never achieving enough. Another day slaving over my papers, always striving for more, but never reaching the goal. 

I was starting to think that I would never reach it. That I would be stuck climbing this staircase forever, my confidence waning like the air I struggled to breathe as I climbed. I would never reach the top, my legs giving out long before I saw the safety of the landing, inhaling doubt like oxygen. 

Regret and foolishness are words that I know well, we have become well acquainted as we climb together. At the bottom of the stairs I was so self-assured. I would have never dreamed of losing myself to this climb, yet here I am now. 

There are no breaks or pauses, only the never ending stone steps, and the rounding curvature that stretches to the sky. 

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