Before The Big Bang | Teen Ink

Before The Big Bang

July 16, 2024
By Ayra-Zainab GOLD, Meerut, Other
Ayra-Zainab GOLD, Meerut, Other
10 articles 13 photos 0 comments

There was no up, there was no down,

there was no side to side.

There were no stars to collide,

Or kingdoms to abide. 


We dont know the past nor the future

Yet we learn from what we nurture.

We rely on our beliefs to know what's wrong and right,

A day in the past there was nothing in sight.

There was no up, there was no down,

There was no side to side. 


But now as we look up to the endless sky,

Its hard to believe that 

there were no tears to cry,

no tasks to try,

nothing to be shy.

There were no stars

There were no scars

There was no up 

There was no down

There was no side to side. 


There was no time to spend

There was no message to send

There were no theories to bend

There was no reality

There was no spirituality 

There was no limit. 


A past where time wasn't even an discovered history 

Long ago before it had a name or a mystery.

When darkness ruled the place

And silence covered the entire space. 


There once was a time in the past

Where forever a day would last.

When there were no teachings to guide,

There was no up

there was no down

There was no side to side 

The author's comments:

Have you ever wondered what was there before the Big Bang happened? In which direction did it take place? What did it felt like before the existence of anything? and just have to live in nothing.

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