Dear | Teen Ink


January 30, 2009
By mycuteemogirl DIAMOND, Camillus, New York
mycuteemogirl DIAMOND, Camillus, New York
52 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear mom,
I don't know how you deal with this?
With all of his little fits.
Why do you stay?
How do you love?
Dear dad,
Why can't you stop?
Why can't you stop?
You're screwing us up.
Why can't you stop?
Dear mom,
I'm running away.
I'm running away.
It's not you.
Dear dad,
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
Dear life,
Why did you cheat me?
Why did I jump?
Why can't you stop me?
Why didn't you stop me?
Dear me,
Why didn't I stop?
Why didn't I stay?
Please make me stay.
But it's too late
Dear world,
Why were you cruel to me?
Why did you do this too me?
Why do it now?
Dear life,
It's to late.

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