In the Ghetto | Teen Ink

In the Ghetto

March 1, 2009
By Catherine Jenkins BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Catherine Jenkins BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see poverty in its purest form
Crime And drug infested dilapdated apartment complexes
40oz old English bottles empty, boxes of Churches chicken, ciggerrette butts and drug paraphenilla
Cargo trains, Metro buses and cars zoom by
People scurring around like roaches in the light of day
An aroma of fast food, urine, malt liquor,marijiuna and grape Phillies fill my nostrils with its familiar fragrence
My favorite hood melodies play throughout the day and night
Police sirens, ambulances, gun shots, search helicopters,trains crossing,loud musis ranging from merengue to oldies to the truth about hoodlife from ghetto philospher Zero
Only in the Ghetto do you see what it means to be stuck in The Ghetto

The author's comments:
This is a detailed visual poem about my life living in the rough poverty drug and crim infested apartments of Northwest Pines.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 27 2009 at 10:27 pm
CastxAwayxRhapsodist SILVER, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;a poet doesn&rsquo;t fear<br /> abandonment<br /> take a slice of me when you go<br /> and i will write myself better&quot;

Great imagery and i really love the last two lines. However, i think the rest of the poem lacks the meaning that the last two lines have. I know that there is something deep there; it's sort of setting you up for the last two lines with those amazing sensory descriptions. Maybe work on making the rest of the poem a little more concise and clear. Other than that, i really love it; great job!