XV: Reborn | Teen Ink

XV: Reborn MAG

July 17, 2009
By moonchild1093 SILVER, Miami, Florida
moonchild1093 SILVER, Miami, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

know me?
as i cry
out to you
can you feel me?
i try
to explain
what is i
what is i
but your ears are
glued shut with
the gummy sludge of
and your eyes are
shut tight with the
crusted residue of
tears long dried
and my tears fall into
your eyes, healing
droplets of solace
they dissolve your
preconceived notions
of the world.
and you blink rapidly
in awe of the sun
you claw the sides of your face
the plugs from your ears
rip the gag from your mouth
and you say

The author's comments:
The underscores are supposed to be blank space. This poem is a metaphor for how the world makes judgements so quickly and refuses to see a poerson for what they truly are. In this poem, I try to make myself understood and in the process, I open the eyes of society and i reintroduce myself as I am intrinsically, not how society sees me as my net worth. The shape is important because it resembles gears, which many people identify with as what they are in the machine of society.

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