My truefriend | Teen Ink

My truefriend

September 4, 2009
By Lheiiaa BRONZE, Zamboanga City, Other
Lheiiaa BRONZE, Zamboanga City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Learn from yesterday,Live for today, Hope for tomorrow".

"As I wake up in the morning,
when the sun rises
will you be in that moment?
to watch the sunrise with me?"

"As I continue to travel the places in in this world,
will you guide me in every journey of my life?"

"Through the obstacles I must face
through the difficulties I must clear out,
will you be there to sweep it away from me?"

"In times of danger and temptation,
through the fears and loneliness,
will you be there until Forever?"

"To all those people ,who became my enemy,to all those people who can't accept who I am
Are you ready to bury those persons,who made me cry?"

"I believe that in the end,
I will still find my true friend...
but now I realize there is no need for me to search,
Because I already found my true friend who has been beside me all the time..."

The author's comments:
My poem is all about knowing what is a "true friend". It is something that makes us realize that true friends in life is not known for his/her appearance,but he/she is known for how long he/she would sacrifice for us.


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