Mommy Do You Love Me??? | Teen Ink

Mommy Do You Love Me???

October 26, 2009
By puppitz14 GOLD, Davenport, Iowa
puppitz14 GOLD, Davenport, Iowa
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ill draw a picture <br /> Ill drawl it with a twist <br /> Ill drawl it with a razor blade <br /> Ill drawl it on my wrist

Mommy, do you love me?
Daddy do you care?
Brother, could you hug me?
Family that I scare.

Mommy is not home,
Daddy's dead,
Brother is alone,
No tears have I left to shed.

Mommy works too hard,
Daddy's grave too far away,
Brother calls me a retard.
Daughter, who I am, slowly begins to fade away.

Mommy doesn't love me,
Daddy do you care?
Brother will not hug me,
And family, they just stare.

Daddy can you hear me?
Where ever you really are?
Daddy, I can't see,
Please tell me you're not far.

Daddy I want to see you,
Daddy, please help me die,
Daddy I want to see you,
Daddy I cannot cry.

Daddy are you there?
Daddy do you care?
Daddy why does the family stare?
Is it me I really scare?


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