Never Thought the Day Would Come | Teen Ink

Never Thought the Day Would Come

November 12, 2009
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

what were you to me?

well you were the sun to me,
you brought light to my world and my heart.

although, i never thought of the day,
that you,
my sun,
would be the one to later burn my life and heart to ashes.

you were the air i breathed,
the one who gave me my every breath,who kept me alive.
although i never imagined the day would come,
my air,
choked me with your harsh words of hate and disloyalty.

what are you to me?

you are to me as much as a dried up earth is to a tree.

you have dried my heart up, and now i am not able to grow.

i cant recuperate from the burns your light gave me;
and certainly there is no way i could have ever survived those harsh words of hate,
and those words of disloyalty that choked the air out of me;
leaving me to be empty and burnt.

i have blown away as if ashes were of what i was made.

please leave me,
do not cause any more damage to whatever you call a burned and empty soul!
just leave, and trouble me no more.

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This article has 1 comment.

SEXYY said...
on Dec. 8 2009 at 10:21 am
SEXYY, Seneca, South Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
The greatest learning experience is to be more discerning about who you let enter your life.

This poem is really good Sean. And yu seem like a really intelligent young man !!!! Keep writing bc its really good !!! God Bless :)