Valentine's Day | Teen Ink

Valentine's Day

February 13, 2010
By AMJaeh DIAMOND, Gallatin, Tennessee
AMJaeh DIAMOND, Gallatin, Tennessee
51 articles 80 photos 105 comments

Favorite Quote:
you don&#039;t have to understand the language to know its Poetik written Muzyk~PoetikMuzyk<br /> Not Everything is ours to keep, no matter how hard we had to fight for it~PoetikMuzyk<br /> &lrm;&quot;The face of my enemy only frightens me when I see how much it resembles mine&quot;<br /> - Stanislaw J. Lec<br /> <br /> a few neurons can make us all a morons dont you think?

Enclosed within these walls is a girl with a once filled heart
From deep within she loved you, loved from the start
She lives an empty life with mutiple blank expressions
You denied her and not to teach her a lesson
But because you were immature and shes too pretty for you
She was too caring, loving and generous when she didnt havent too
Valentines are for those who still love
Even after the very best were deprived of
That day is coming on the 14th of February
Her sleeve is not where her heart is carried
But where she dried the tears
That she cried for you for so many years
Whether you see this or not
You're the one she hadnt forgot
She misses you more with each day's departure
And it's her love for you that cant be measured
She has denied every hand asked for her
Because its only with you that she feels the closure
So its your time on this Valentine's Day
to tell her what you've been meaning to say
Time to tell her that back then you didn't know the meaning of true love
and that you too feel the same as she does.


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