The Moanings of a Tired Soul | Teen Ink

The Moanings of a Tired Soul

April 2, 2010
By rosa_invicta SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
rosa_invicta SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In the fell clutch of circumstance<br /> I have not winced nor cried aloud.<br /> Under the bludgeonings of chance<br /> My head is bloody, but unbowed&quot; <br /> ~ William Ernest Henley, &quot;Invictus&quot;

A fiendish wind growls at my bedside pane;
These restless dreams rattle my chains.
The silence mocks my disquieted head,
And what I hear leaves me misled.
I can escape the world, but not myself.
Who's ever heard of living hell?
Yet day by day, I die for constant fear
Of where I am, and why I'm here.
Have mercy on me, God--salvage what's left!
This slavish life's left me bereft.


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