The lighthouse | Teen Ink

The lighthouse

May 21, 2010
By MoonGem BRONZE, UB, Other
MoonGem BRONZE, UB, Other
3 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for God, Laugh for God, Love for God. Soli deo Gloria.

In my deepest thoughts
Here I have a secret haven,
Where I am sheltered from all harm
Like a lighthouse, ever watchful
My love has been to you
As deep as the deepest ocean,
Lasting for all Eternity…
The sunrise in the horizon
Warms my heart and cheers my soul
I love you now…and forevermore
At last I've been made whole

In my deepest thoughts
Here I have a secret haven,
Where I am sheltered from all harm
You are like a white stallion, none can compare to you
My love is pure and plentiful
As wide as the widest ocean
Now and forever and ever...
The smile on your face
Brings a blush and intense joy
I love you now...and forevermore
At last I’ve been made whole

The author's comments:
I love you, and only you. Why can't you see? Why can't you notice? That's all I can say; I love you. I need nothing else to describe my feelings for you. And I hope, one day, that you will know too.


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