Until Then... | Teen Ink

Until Then...

July 20, 2010
By Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away!"

You told me you still loved me, and then had that to say,
I had no choice but to walk away,
How will i ever not be so sad?
My love is still the same but you broke my heart so bad,
I can't find all the pieces,
They seem to be in a thousand different places,
The tears i cry, for you and for me,
They could wash away even the sea,
I keep skipping through my emotions, anger, sadness,
Blame, confusion, hurt and weakness,
Someday I will see you again as a friend,
But until then.....
This is our end.

The author's comments:
My heart got broken.

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