empty travels. | Teen Ink

empty travels.

August 8, 2010
By MaddieLou SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
MaddieLou SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snow falls quietly this night on the east coast.

Headlights blur, speeding right on by.

Staring out, she realizes what she misses most.

The subtle warm feeling on the inside.

Chills run through her fingertips.

A cold sensation straight down to the bone.

There’s an empty feeling on her eager lips.

Her soul feels like a sinking stone.

The stone sinks to the depths of the sea.

As she casts her thoughts to the waves.

Open my eyes to something I can’t see,

That will give me the warmth I crave.

Ocean, take this message in a bottle,

I can’t control these thoughts anymore.

One day I’ll live my life full throttle.

But for now, my heart lies on the ocean floor.

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