the spoken storm. | Teen Ink

the spoken storm.

July 21, 2010
By charlestyler. SILVER, Oakdale, California
charlestyler. SILVER, Oakdale, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;originality is cliche.&quot;<br /> <br /> - me.

as the rains hush the clouds of thunder,
darkness fills our hearts under.
and and as the rains by earth's hug fall,
shrieks the beautiful sin of a lover's call.

it echoes through the whispering streets,
brushing the callow skin of the branches it meets.
winding, twisting through the concrete playground,
an elusive butterfly, a silent sound.

licking the wind, a lethargic twirl,
bites the secluded ear of an immersive girl.
she winces, eyes flash of seductive temptation,
the human thirst for love's promised rejuvination.

in a quiescent stir, almost weak,
the haunting moan whispers a silken speak:
"pain is just an emotion of hell,
the more you grieve, the more it swells."

"flash your eyes into the endless sky,
ignore the hindrance of pain's pathetic lie.
destroy that of which binds your chains,
kiss that of which bleaches your stains."

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