Rejected | Teen Ink


November 2, 2010
By kayla25 BRONZE, San Jose, California
kayla25 BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live, Laugh, Love"

Rejected by all
No one seems at all
To even notice when she falls
It seems like the end of the road,
The end of life for her
The pain she felt back then
Comes back like the wind
She hurts, she cries
And all the while just wonders why?

Neglected and rejected
Is the way she feels
As no one seems at all
To even notice when she falls

The words, the touching, the beating
It all seems like it just happened
The pain and hurt come back so quickly
She falls, she cries
But no one to hear her
No one to help her

She endures it for years
And the scares of her past
Haunt her every day
The memories she has
Seem to make each day darker

Still rejected and neglected
No one at all
To even notice when she falls

The author's comments:
Things from my past had come up one day in school, and i just felt all the feelings that i felt back then. i hope people can see, if they feel like they are not wanted that there not alone and there could be some that does want them!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 25 2010 at 1:29 am
The picture posted is perfect - Footprints in the sand. For when you feel alone, it's then that your Heavenly Father carries you.  You are not rejected - you are Loved. The enemy is a liar, he comes to seek, kill and destroy.  What better way to do that but make you feel alone, depressed and of no value.  God values you that's why He created you.  God is ALWAYS there, He doesn't move. You may feel like no one sees you, but He sees you and in the the end that's all that matters anyway. ~Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened.