judge me not | Teen Ink

judge me not

February 14, 2011
By baby_girla SILVER, St.Mary&#39s, Alaska
baby_girla SILVER, St.Mary&#39s, Alaska
9 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is left by the imperfect work that the next one can be born(odelion redon)

Judge me not by the way I look for my physical being is a mask.
Judge me not by the way you see me, for I have many emotions, not just one,which I may or may not want to show.
Judge me by the way I act for I am brave, strong, smart, and funny.
Judge me for my heart. for my heart maybe warm and soft and caring, not only the way you think that I am cold hearted.
Better yet Judge me because I am a person whom you have known for years and many more.
Judge me because I am me and you can not change me even though you want to because the only person who can change me is me.
Judge me because I am your friend,daughter, som, girlfriend, boyfriend and because I love you lots.

The author's comments:
this is a piece based on how people are Judged and who may or may not be what they think


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