One day you'll miss me | Teen Ink

One day you'll miss me

April 14, 2011
By daddysgirl124 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
daddysgirl124 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The Strength of the heart comes from the Soundness of the Faith.

Your love will be wasted and energy gone,
Because you left me for them and they all did you wrong.

You'll curse at my god and feels so alone,
You'll refuse to see anything 'sides what you've already known.

One day you'll miss me
When your old and wise,
You'll see the pain that you caused with your meaningless lies.

You'll cry and you'll b**** where no one can hear,
And suddenly see arrogance perfectly clear.

You'll complain and you'll whine and be constantly missin',
The girl you screwed over:the only one that would listen.

Because now that girl's gone and she won't give a damn,
About the girl who played grown up
and became such a ham.

What's that girl now? Well she's perfectly great,
Dont think about an apology, she's gone: too late.

The author's comments:
This is more my ex best friend who treated me like crap until when i just decided that enough is enough!!!!!!

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