The Swing | Teen Ink

The Swing

May 20, 2011
By Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fight for what you've got, even if its only worth a dime."

On a hot summer day when it was time for a break,
When everything went wrong and nothing went right.
The Swing was where peace could be found.

On an early morning when I’m all alone
With challenges too big to handle on my own
The Swing is where help could be found.

For The Swing is where he sat.

With a cup of coffee in hand, always ready to listen, always ready to work
When my hands were tied, he was my right-hand man.
The Swing is where hope could be found.

Though I knew he’d leave me one day to fend for myself
And when I come to it I find The Swing empty.
His love is still there reminding me I’ll find Peace, Help and Hope.

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